textarea max rows
IE puts a vertical scrollbar by default on all … Rather then having a text box with 5 or 10 rows as standard we decided that we want to only show one row as standard and then dynamically add more rows … Definition and Usage. Number of lines<= 4. Textarea with max number of lines and max characters per line. But you should almost always define the cols (columns) and rows values to control the textarea's rendered size. A text area allows the user to enter a multi-line text value. So if you use long words, there the 2 lines can contain less information. What is the expected behavior? The rows attribute has a default value of 2, so to make the textarea smaller than that you'll need to set the value to 1. In you’re example, how faster you typ, how more characters will be displayed in line 3, I wrote this a couple weeks ago. Usage. Expand a textarea to fit its content, between a minimum ("rows" attribute) and maximum ("max-rows" attribute) number of rows. Rows. It also specifies the visible height of the Textarea. Auto height
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