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maastricht university studiengänge

Dezember 31, 2020 Von: Auswahl: Allgemein

Data Science & Knowledge Engineering Twitter filter, Apply   The EuroMBA Online track is an executive part-time online programme part of UMIO – Maastricht University. filter, Apply   Culture & Society When to apply All degree programs at HAN start in September. filter, Apply   Würde dir Maastricht empfehlen. Die Universität Maastricht wurde 1976 gegründet und ist bekannt für ihre international ausgerichteten Studiengänge und ihre alternativen Lehrmethoden basierend auf dem Konzept des „Problem Based Learning“. Economics & Society Join now! Global Studies trains students to understand and develop solutions for complex global issues. filter, Apply   filter, Apply   As an econometrics student, you combine economics and computer science with management and statistical techniques to create an indispensable, in-demand skill-set that companies around the world are seeking. Biomedical Sciences is also known as the 'research side of medicine’. Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Dutch BACHELOR AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Bachelor European Law School - Maastricht University in Maastricht, Niederlande November 2020 EEA students September Science & Technology You'll also use an MRI scanner to measure brain activity as a source for our behaviour. The Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) is one of them. Am 11. It bridges the gap between health sciences, and EU and national healthcare policies. Why study Systems Biology at Maastricht University? filter, Apply   Deniz finished his BSc in Psychology at Maastricht University (2009-2012) and his MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at Maastricht University (2012-2014). The Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) is one of them. filter, Apply   ... hat als eine der wenigen weltweit die "triple crown" für ihre international renommierten wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengänge. Studium in den Niederlanden: Maastricht University in Maastricht - Übersicht der Studiengänge und Infos zum Studium in den Niederlanden ; Studieren in Maastricht (NL) Quirlig, unkonventionell, modern. Biomedical Sciences is also known as the 'research side of medicine’. filter, Apply   filter, Apply   Why study at Maastricht Science Programme? For a detailed list of admission requirements per master's, always start at the master's overview page.Below the basic admission requirements. Tuscaloosa, Alabama Area PrePhD Candidate at the University of Alabama (Political Science) Higher Education Education University of Alabama 2015 — 2020 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Political Science and Government Maastricht University 2013 — 2014 Master's Degree, European Studies (Specializing in International Relations) Indiana University Bloomington 2009 — 2013 B.A. You will learn to look at society in a unique way and will delve into important social themes such as sustainability, migration, security and technology. You’ll also gain a thorough command of legal English. Maastricht University (abbreviated as UM; Dutch: Universiteit Maastricht) is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands.Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities.. Zum Profil. (Studiengänge mit Studienbeginn Februar) Sprache: Englisch Zulassung: a bachelor's degree issued by a university in a relevant domain; a bachelor's degree issued by a University of Applied Sciences in a relevant domain. University College Maastricht We cooperate with universities and other research institutions on a national and international level, as state-of-the-art research thrives on the exchange of expertise transcending institutional and … filter, Apply   FSE Campus Venlo You learn to understand global challenges from a variety of perspectives coming from various disciplines. Sie hat derzeit etwa 16.000 Studierende, von denen knapp die Hälfte nicht aus den Niederlanden stammt. English filter, Apply   in the. Faculty of Law Die Disziplinen BWL, VWL, Psychologie, Soziologie, Politik­wissenschaft, Romanistik, Geschichte, Anglistik, Germanistik, Informatik und Wirtschafts­informatik belegten mehrfach Spitzenpositionen. LLM/MSc. Urban Planners and the requirements of the European and international academic guidelines as minimum standards. You will be trained to become a critical thinker who can understand, analyse and explain complex problems at the European level from various disciplinary perspectives. Accreditations are awarded by American AASCB, British AMBA and Europe-wide EQUIS, which assess curriculum, organization, staff qualification, students and management. Politics & Governance Für mehr Informationen besuche die Hochschul-Webseite. filter, Apply   Studying a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Education & Training is a great choice if you want to teach and inspire people of all ages and help them develop and be able to overcome life-challenges and find creative solutions to difficult situations that come up in life. Am Konservatorium lernen rund 600 Studenten, davon über die Hälfte aus dem Ausland. European Public Health is about prolonging life, preventing disease, protecting health while promoting healthy living to all Europeans through the organised efforts of society. Liberal Arts & Sciences filter, Apply   filter, Apply   “Ensuring that new drug candidates are safe for humans is one of the most important and costly steps for pharmaceutical industries. It bridges the gap between health sciences, and EU and national healthcare policies. Es ist im Bereich der Bachelor-Studiengänge seit 2001 eine Fakultät der staatlichen Hogeschool Zuyd (Hochschule Süd). Fiscal lawyers are not just specialised in tax law, they also receive an introduction in other areas of law, such as private and public law. Our programme Business Engineering is for students with a pioneering spirit and will train you for exciting jobs that combine business and new technologies. Das "Problem Based Learning" (die in Holland inzwischen etablierte hochschuldidaktische Methode) wurde hier entwickelt. Die Universität Maastricht (niederländisch Universiteit Maastricht, englisch Maastricht University) wurde 1976 in Maastricht gegründet und ist eine der jüngsten Universitäten der Niederlande.Sie ist bekannt für ihre international ausgerichteten Studiengänge, den hohen Anteil an ausländischen Studenten und das problemorientierte Lernen.Die Universität ist Mitglied im. You are to do this through the Studielink website. Arts and Culture is an interdisciplinary programme that studies Western culture in a broad sense. You start out practicing on fellow students and dolls; for example, you learn how to inject on a fake arm, and you do a physical exam on another student. Dauer: 3 Jahre Sprache: Englisch Zulassung: Für alle angehenden Studenten mit einem deutschen Abschluss reicht entweder die Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur) oder der schulische Teil der Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur). Maastricht ist eine Stadt in der das Leben pulsiert. 6200 MD Maastricht Die ‚Liberal Arts & Sciences‘ Studiengänge sind perfekt für ambitionierte Studierende, die gerne Teil einer internationalen und persönlichen Gemeinschaft sein möchten. +31 43 388 2222, Follow us on Social Media Science & Health Fac. We are the executive branch of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics, a School leading in the fields of economics and international business. Faculty of Science and Engineering A good decision! It is a knowledge institute in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. filter, Apply   The University of Maastricht is a well-renowned Dutch university with a strong international focus. B.Sc. Global Studies is a bachelor's in which all six faculties of Maastricht University are involved. Studiengebühren: Informationen zu Studiengebühren The Maastricht - Graz - Bern Doctoral Programme Nursing Science is a joint doctoral programme which began in 2000. Minderbroedersberg 4-6 Then the new bachelor’s programme in Business Analytics is right for you! BACHELOR AND MORE: Maastricht University in Maastricht - Übersicht der Bachelorstudiengänge und Infos zum Bachelor-Studium But you could also end up working for the Department of Health, or the Deparment of Environmental Affairs. Behavioural and Social Sciences. Leading in Learning seit 40 Jahren! The Maastricht Science Programme offers you the opportunity to create your personal curriculum from a broad offer of courses in the natural sciences. Di… LinkedIn filter, Apply   Health & Life Sciences Die Universität Maastricht (niederländisch Universiteit Maastricht, englisch Maastricht University) wurde 1976 als Rijksuniversiteit Limburg in Maastricht gegründet und ist eine der jüngsten Universitäten der Niederlande. filter, Apply   In the International Business programme, you’ll learn about the strategy, resources and management required to run a business. Prospective students can submit their applications for our master’s degree programmes and the bachelor’s degree in Environment and … As with many Maastricht University programmes, European Studies is taught using Problem-Based Learning. Now, you can meet us at several online fairs! Drei grundverschiedene Brücken spannen sich über die Maas und verbinden die Ost- und Westhälfte der Stadt. School of Business and Economics Sie bereiten dich auf die Karriere nach dem Studium vor, entweder hier oder auch woanders auf der ganzen Welt. Maastricht University Die Universität Maastricht (UM) zählt 18.000 Studenten und 4.400 Mitarbeitern und ist die internationalste Universität in den Niederlanden. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences filter, Apply   You look for ways to turn data into knowledge. The programme covers international developments both in the European Union and in a wider, global context. 6211 LK Maastricht Dafür überzeugt die Stadt mit Weltoffenheit und Innovation. Maastricht ist eine Karnevalshochburg – das beeinflusst natürlich die große Anzahl der Touristen und die kulturellen Veranstaltungen die der Karneval mit sich zieht. filter, Apply   This knowledge can be used to solve problems in fields such as healthcare, logistics and robotics. In Deutschland existieren vergleichbare etablierte internationale Studiengänge nur an den bekannten Privatuniversitäten, sowie an wenigen staatlichen Hochschulen. filter, Apply   LCSB’s strong background on Parkinson’s disease and computational disease modelling will be complemented by the longstanding expertise in toxicology and toxicogenomics of Maastricht University. At UMIO we are driven by a strong desire to expand perspectives. Hier ist immer etwas los und es kommen mit jedem Jahr mehr deutsche Studenten um hier ihr Studium zu beginnen. Maastricht Science Programme Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Das "Problem Based Learning" (die in Holland inzwischen etablierte hochschuldidaktische Methode) wurde hier entwickelt. Have you decided to study at HAN University of Applied Sciences? It has been recognised that food can be regarded as medicine and that food can be used in either the prevention or the treatment of various chronic diseases. February Educational Goal. Twitter Maastricht University - Studiengänge im Überblick. Maastricht University wurde 1976 gegründet und ist damit eine der jüngsten niederländischen Universitäten. filter, Apply   You follow your interests and select your own courses. Now, with the Corona virus spreading over the world, European Public Health is more important than ever! School of Business and Economics Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Full-time LinkedIn filter, Apply   Sie liegt in Maastricht, eine Stadt im Süden der Niederlande nahe der belgischen und deutschen Grenze. In the Economics and Business Economics programme, you’ll learn how to use economic theories and tools to manage and operate businesses more effectively. Read more; DISTINCTIVE QUALITIES. Maastricht University Campus Venlo Gesundheit, Ernährung und Unternehmertum sind die drei Speerspitzen des Campus Venlo der Universität Maastricht. filter, Apply   Instagram Affective Neuroscience. filter, Apply   Dear prospective student, Thank you for your interest in our master's programme. In Deutschland magst du mit beidem gleich gut fahren beim Direkteinstieg nach dem Bachelor, für den Master und international würde ich dir Maastricht empfehlen. UCM is an honours Liberal Arts & Sciences programme for highly motivated students. Die Universität Maastricht (niederländisch Universiteit Maastricht, englisch Maastricht University) wurde 1976 als Rijksuniversiteit Limburg in Maastricht gegründet und ist eine der jüngsten Universitäten der Niederlande.Sie ist bekannt für ihre international ausgerichteten Studiengänge, den hohen Anteil an ausländischen Studenten und das problemorientierte Lernen. Der kleine internationale Klassenraum, bringt Menschen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, aus unterschiedlichen Hintergründen und … Die Universität Mannheim bietet erstklassige Bachelor-, Master- und Promotions­programme.Zahlreiche Hochschul­rankings bestätigen die hohe Qualität des Studien­angebots. Find your answers. Des Weiteren, sind auch viele andere Studiengänge international orientiert. For these students additional requirements may apply. Besucher aus Belgien, Deutschland und Frankreich mischen sich unter die mehrheitlich ausländischen StudentInnen. You are about to sign up for the Bachelor’s programme Psychology. In this challenging programme, you’ll be trained in competencies for the successful legal professional in the 21st century such as legal skills, presenting, mooting and pleading a case. We have built a special online platform for you to explore. sign up now! Perhaps you could even become an ambassador. Fiscal Economics teaches you to combine economics, accountancy, management and law so you can analyse the effects of taxes on national and international economies. Aufgrund eines Ausländeranteils von bis zu 60 % in einigen Studiengängen, 30 % ausländischen Dozenten sowie eines Pflichtsemesters im Ausland bietet die Universiteit Maastricht ein hohes Maß an Internationalität. Driven by intellectual creativity and critical thinking since 1479, researchers and students at the University of Copenhagen have expanded horizons and contributed to moving the world forward. The European Law School bachelor’s programme combines courses on European and international law with courses on the legal systems of different EU member states. 6211 LK Maastricht Some also start in February. Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML): Die Älteste Fakultät der Maastricht University, an der fast 2000 Studenten eingeschrieben sind und auch Medizin auf Englisch anbietet. Culture & Society English filter, Apply   You'll advise multinationals, self-employed entrepreneurs and associations about the legal aspects of the tax system. Address: Raum 218 Institute of Geography and Geology Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. The programme will provide you with all the training you need to pursue a career as a researcher. September Choosing international Bachelor's or Master's degree studies at Lund University gives you more than just a high-quality education. Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience In the Maastricht Science Programme, you’ll have the space to explore the natural sciences and to build a unique academic profile based on your personal interests and goals. Thanks to the broad scope of the programme, it is a flexible springboard for a job in the legal field, business, banking or insurance. Information about Education & Training Degrees. After completing a master’s in Medicine, you can call yourself a medical doctor and then you can specialise, for example, as a surgeon or pediatrician. The programme will provide you with all the training you need to pursue a career as a researcher. The contents and the qualification goals of the degree programs and modules of the Faculty of Architecture of the RWTH Aachen University recognize the requirements of the Chambers of Architects resp. Facebook Die meisten Studiengänge sind englischsprachig. filter, Apply   Systems Biology is an exciting new, holistic approach that combines biology, computational modeling, and mathematics to create innovative models. UMIO is not just any place to go. At Maastricht University, the bachelor’s in Medicine is very practical; you’ll come in contact with real patients in the early stages of your studies. The bachelor Circular Engineering is aimed at you, the future circular engineer, who wants to play an important role in this transition. At Maastricht University, the bachelor’s in Medicine is very practical; you’ll come in contact with real patients in the early stages of your studies. Oktober 2020 EEA students; Maastricht Sciences Programme – Bewerbungsfrist 1. Maastricht ist eine Karnevalshochburg – das beeinflusst natürlich die große Anzahl der Touristen und die kulturellen Veranstaltungen die der Karneval mit sich zieht. P.O. You'll learn how nutrition, molecular processes and movement affect human health. The skills you develop will prepare you to work in a variety of fields, such as healthcare, IT, engineering and research. UM postal address filter, Apply   Die Themen in der Forschung und Lehre variieren daher von Lebensmittelinnovation und Ernährungspsychologie bis hin zur Optimierung von logistischen Prozessen. Taking a master's at UT, you have to meet certain basic requirements.As well as the specific requirements of the master's itself. Maastricht University ist eine international ausgerichtete, junge Universität im Herzen Europas. Im Ranking von 'Keuzegids Universiteiten' und 'Elsevier Best Studies' ist das University College Venlo in den letzten Jahren mehrfach unter die drei besten Bachelors Liberal Arts & Science- Studiengänge gewählt worden. Arts & Culture Die School of Business and Economics (SBE) der Maastricht Universität bietet vornehmlich international ausgerichtete Studiengänge in englischer Sprache an. With its 5,000 researchers and 39,000 students, the University boasts an international research and study environment and is highly ranked on the leading ranking lists of the world's best universities. Law Per academic year each college offers up to five double degree places. Systems Biology is an exciting new, holistic approach that combines biology, computational modeling, and mathematics to create innovative models. Sie liegt in Maastricht, eine Stadt im Süden der Niederlande nahe der belgischen und deutschen Grenze. filter, Apply   Do you want to study at the cutting edge of science, engineering and business, crossing the boundaries of each discipline to gain new insights and learn how to innovate? University of Cologne / Maastricht University. The career paths you could pursue vary widely, ranging from policy making or project management to communications or consultation. This programme information is only offered in Dutch. Health & Life Sciences In the skillslab, you’ll also practice medical skills, such as how to give a patient bad news. Die Universität ist Mitglied im grenzüberschreitenden HochschulverbundALMA. Now, with the Corona virus spreading over the world, European Public Health is more important than ever! It excels through a well-balanced approach in providing students with state of the art business knowledge and leadership skills. You learn how to interpret large quantities of legal texts and how to apply them to practical issues. This Double Master's Degree Program is aimed, in particular, at students who are interested in matters of international and European law. You can take a master's if you are at an academic level.See if you are! YouTube, Apply   filter, Apply   Are you interested in studying at Utrecht University? The selected participants will spend one year at the partner university. Economics & Society TH Köln is a research-intensive university actively engaging in a variety of research activities. Maastricht University wurde 1976 gegründet und ist damit eine der jüngsten niederländischen Universitäten. Together you will work on abstract and concrete ‘problems’ taken from real-world situations. European Studies is an interdisciplinary bachelor’s programme that focuses on the cultural, historical, political and social aspects of Europe and the ongoing European integration process. Karteikarten und Zusammenfassungen für diese Studiengänge und Kurse an der Maastricht University findest du auf der StudySmarter Lernapp: Tausende Studenten an der Maastricht University erstellen und teilen Zusammenfassungen, Karteikarten, Lernpläne und andere Lernmaterialien mit der intelligenten StudySmarter Lernapp. häufig noch keinen Absolventenjahrgang gibt. Full-time Artificial Intelligence (Numerus fixus programme) You will do a lot of your work in small tutorial groups of no more than 15 students. Dutch law provides an excellent foundation for a job as a legal professional. European Public Health is about prolonging life, preventing disease, protecting health while promoting healthy living to all Europeans through the organised efforts of society. In the bachelor’s programme in Psychology, you'll learn about the mental processes of humans, including memory, language, thinking and perception. In the skillslab, you’ll also practice medical skills, such as how to give a patient bad news. It excels through a well-balanced approach in providing students with state of the art business knowledge and leadership skills. Access study documents like summaries, lecture notes and exam questions shared by top students from your courses. Study in Indonesia - Top Bachelor's Degrees and Unforgettable Island Adventures in Bali Indonesia is a fantastic place to study abroad since you can combine getting top academic training with a memorable holiday experience. The EuroMBA Online track is an executive part-time online programme part of UMIO – Maastricht University. But you could also end up working for the Department of Health, or the Deparment of Environmental Affairs. Arts and Culture Studies Comparative European History. Maastricht University - Studium in den Niederlanden Hier findest du allgemeine Informationen zu deiner gewählten Hochschule. As a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence student, you'll study computer science, mathematics and artificial intelligence. Maastricht University. Do you consider yourself tech-savvy, analytical, and are you excited about learning how to turn data into business opportunities and efficient business solutions? Box 616 Das Conservatorium Maastricht in Maastricht ist eines der neun Konservatorien in den Niederlanden. Maastricht Science Programme Please use the form to … Each semester, with the help of your academic advisor, you select from courses in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, neuroscience and various interdisciplinary fields such as biomedical engineering and entrepreneurship. Media, Technology & Innovation In the skillslab, you’ll also practice medical skills, such as how to give a patient bad news. filter, Apply   The Netherlands  The Netherlands  Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences offers study programmes for international students. Science & Technology filter, Policy, Management and Evaluation of Health Care. filter, Apply   The ultimate goal is the development of virtual versions of biological systems, which lead to new insights and eventually predictions concerning the behavior of such systems. filter, Apply   Undergraduate and PostGraduate - Atlantic Int'l Universit . Since December 2014 he is a PhD Student at the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Vocal Communication (AG Hage). filter, Apply   Hier ist immer etwas los und es kommen mit jedem Jahr mehr deutsche Studenten um hier ihr Studium zu beginnen. 2014 - 2014 ... Finance & Accounting Tutor at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Nederland. Coronavirus: What's new. In 2019, 19,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 54% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees. This doctoral programme provides nurses with a structure to prepare a dissertation. Radboud University offers fourteen English-taught Bachelor’s programmes in the following disciplines: Art, Culture and History. The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA) is a one-year, full-time course that provides a practice and policy-oriented approach to learning that combines legal, political, historical, anthropological, and philosophical perspectives of human rights and democratisation with skill-building activities and a field trip exercise. You can choose from more than 150 different courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences. The Netherlands, UM visiting address YouTube, Apply   In 1999, she became endowed professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and in 2006, she started her professorship at Maastricht University. Der Slogan meet Europe bewahrheitet sich schon, wenn man durch die verwinkelten Gassen geht. Business & Economics Employers know that they receive top graduates with a top education from a top school. The University College Freiburg (UCF) and University College Maastricht (UCM) Maastricht University/ Netherlands provide a double degree option in Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). The faculty believes in innovative teaching methods, and focuses on problem-based learning. This unique combination ensures that you develop a broad professional perspective. Accreditations are awarded by American AASCB, British AMBA and Europe-wide EQUIS, which assess curriculum, organization, staff qualification, students and management. Folgende Studiengänge werden an der Maastricht University angeboten: Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management . Hochschulen, die diesen Studiengang anbieten. Maastricht University wurde 1976 gegründet und ist damit eine der jüngsten niederländischen Universitäten. filter, Apply   They follow a study path that is integrated into … Her research interests include the relationship between mental disorder and violence, violence risk prevention (including intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual violence), psychopathy, and forensic psychological assessment. Why study Systems Biology at Maastricht University? filter, Apply   Curriculum and Overview. The Netherlands, UM visiting address Studiengänge: Maastricht University - UNICHEC The programme is offered in cooperation between the School of Business and Economics and the United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT). Maastricht ist eine Stadt in der das Leben pulsiert. This enables you to study issues related to health, nutrition and business in an interdisciplinary manner. You’ll also develop the professional skills to put business ideas into practice, such as teamwork, conflict resolution, leadership and presentation skills. Stattliche 47% der ca 16.000 Studenten kommen aus dem Ausland. Our society faces complex challenges in diverse areas such as energy, (bio)medical innovations, nutrition and the transition to a more sustainable and biobased economy. It's designed to give you a realistic impression of our study programmes and student life in Maastricht . filter, Apply   In the skillslab, you’ll also practice medical skills, such as how to give a patient bad news. University College Maastricht At Maastricht University, the bachelor’s in Medicine is very practical; you’ll come in contact with real patients in the early stages of your studies.

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